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The unified waybill adopted by China-Europe express trains will help reduce costs and increase efficiency of international railway logistics

  October 17th, one tripChina-europe freight trainThe Sichuan train from Bavaria, Germany to China, unlike in the past, the unified transport document applies to the China-Europe train from Europe to China。In international railway transport, there is no need to replace waybills, reducing transportation time and costs, and achieving cross-border railway combined transport "one single to two", which is conducive to reducing the cost and increasing the efficiency of international railway logistics。

  In Asia and Europe, there are two main intergovernmental railway cooperation organizations, namely the Organization for Railway Cooperation (OSJD) and the International Intergovernmental Organization for the Transport of Goods by Rail (OTIF), which use the "International Cargo Association Waybill (SMGS)" and "International Cargo Association Waybill (CIM)" respectively.。Goods transported by rail between the member States of the two Organizations must be reshipped at the relevant border station and a new transport document must be produced。

The unified waybill adopted by China-Europe express trains will help reduce costs and increase efficiency of international railway logistics

  For example, the International Cowaybill (SMGS) is the rail transport "passport" of the OSJD member states, while the International Cargo contract Waybill (CIM) is the rail transport "passport" of the OTIF member states, and their respective international trains must be replaced in advance by the "passport" recognized by the other party in order to enter the railway of the other country.。

  For this reason, since the opening of the first China-Europe freight train, Germany (OSJD member) to China (OSJD member) to open an international freight train (CIM), the international cargo contract (CIM) must be changed to an international Cargo Waybill (SMGS).。

  To this end, the two railway cooperation organizations jointly formulated the "International Cargo Contract/International Cargo Association Waybill", referred to as the "unified waybill", which is the "unified passport" for international railway transport in the Eurasian continent.。This "passport" is recorded in more than two languages, in Russian and German (or English or French), and the other way of sending to China is in Chinese。

  On October 17, the flight from Germany to Sichuan, China, that is, the first time for the China-Europe train to China using a unified waybill。Prior to this, the China-Europe train from Chongqing, China to Germany has adopted a unified freight rate。

  At that time, China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Corporation became the only railway bureau group in the national railway system to use the "unified waybill" at both ends of the return route。

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